I know the past few weeks of quarantine, COVID-19, and shelter-in-place have generated different emotions for everyone. Some of us might be adept at dealing with change and uncertainty, while others may be feeling the intense effects of stress and anxiety. No matter how you cope, there’s no denying that life has changed and brought up new concerns for all of us.
I’m normally a great sleeper and, thank goodness, don’t usually have trouble falling asleep, but lately when my head hits the pillow, I become convinced that I must have coronavirus! My mind starts racing, and the slightest tickle in my throat will send me into a whirlwind of worry. Of course, when I wake up in the morning and see the sun shining through my window, I feel fine.
There’s something about the nighttime hours that bring up our most extreme and bothersome thoughts. I hope you haven’t been having the same fears that I have, but if you’ve had any of your own trouble catching z’s, these are five yoga poses to help you fall asleep. I’ll even do some of them in bed if I find my mind racing at night.
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)
This forward fold turns our attention inward and away from the outside world. For the restorative version, I like to place a pillow under my knees or over my thighs, so the fold becomes less intense. Let your weight feel heavy and supported by the floor, then bring your attention to your breath.