Springtime in New Jersey

This is really just a photo dump of sunsets and flowers before I forget! And who could leave out a lighthouse pic…


I might say that I liked winter here better than Spring? Of course, there are the random 65-degree days that are everyone’s favorite because they smell like summer. But in general, I could leave behind the blustery 40-50 temps when the calendar says it’s supposed to be April.

At least in winter you know it’s going to be cold. You’re prepared and expecting it, so you can only be pleasantly surprised when it’s above 30. But Spring… I never know what to wear and I’m just riding it out til June.


We still have the best sunsets for every season, of course.


And my friend Ashley and I went to u-pick tulips at Holland Ridge Farms.


They were everywhere and in every color!


I accidentally picked 11 instead of 12. But I can get behind Spring if there are flowers involved.


I tried my first pork roll of almost two years living here. It wasn’t bad and tastes like ham to me, but I’ll stick to my usual bacon, egg, and cheese.


Or maybe breakfast at home.


Had some yummy pizza up in Brick.

And here’s one more sunset for the road:
