Local Summer

I’m feeling so glad for these warm September/October days, because these past few weeks have really been some of the highlights of my summer. Setting aside the fact that I worked every day of September except one—a Sunday, naturally—in the meantime, I was able to figure out that my surfboard fits into my car and ride a couple waves with friends.

Surf LBI

It’s been pretty sweet to have almost the whole beach to ourselves…

Surf LBI

Speaking of which, beach yoga ended for the season, but we wrapped it up nicely on a gorgeous day. You can already start to feel the terrain of the beach changing with the weather.

LBI Surf City

My mom and I spent a day at the Maker’s Fest in Manahawkin. It was a pretty big craft fair with yoga classes—you know I can’t resist— and live music, perfect for walking around this pretty lake. We ran into a few different groups of friends, which is usually my sign of officially living in a place and not feeling like a tourist, so that was nice. Just in time for me to depart and tuck into another unfamiliar corner of the world!

Makers Fest Manahawkin

And so, it’s October! It still feels like I have a bit more left to explore here, so I’m counting on my one week left to do just that.


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