The First

Typically, when I get a burst of energy or inspiration, it’s all encompassing and definitely all or nothing. I think I only have two speeds—at home relaxing and recharging or out doing ALL the things. This new year caught me in the hyperactive way, and I was busy planning out every piece of how I wanted to start the first day of 2019. First, I planned on riding the metro to Pasadena to see the Rose Parade. That would be the thing to do for a newcomer to LA with a Gold Line stop right near her house. Then, there’s a tradition in yoga where practitioners attempt to do 108 sun salutations—called a mala—on New Year’s Day (also usually on the equinoxes). I’ve never done it, but I thought of driving over to Santa Monica to Bhakti Yoga Shala right after the parade to try.

Now, maybe you know that Pasadena and Santa Monica are on opposite sides of the city, and to do both of those things before noon on January 1st is, if not crazy, then certainly overly ambitious. Also, NYE festivities had me questioning whether I’d end up doing anything at all. I decided I’d better definitely skip the rushed drive to Santa Monica, and opted for a half mala (54 sun salutations) that would take place in my neighborhood later at night.

Fortunately, on New Year’s Day, I woke up at the proper time for the parade and forced my hungover champagne self out of bed to take advantage of that. It was totally worth it! The floats were so amazing, and it was surprisingly very easy to get there and find a spot with a good view. I had been worried, because so many people camp out overnight. But after seeing the event, I think that’s more for the fun of being there than for the necessity of securing a good spot.


This float from Big Bear was my favorite. Look at the little bears riding the chairlift!


After the parade, since I am a single millennial lady looking to start January off on the right foot, I went on an internet date for coffee. He showed me around Pasadena and it was not a bad way to spend the day, but not the best! I’ll remain undecided on New Year’s Day first dates, but maybe consider keeping the whole first day for you and those you’re already close to. Who knows. Afterwards, I stopped by a friend’s for brunch and then, if I remember correctly, finally made it home to take a nap so I would be ready for the nighttime sun salutes.

I loved the way the instructor, Nora, divided the repetitive practice into 4 sections of ~13 different Surya Namaskars (A, B, and C). For the first, we focused on an Intention or Dedication for the year. The second round was devoted to our Relationships, the third to our Creativity or Career, and the last round to the Source/the Universe/our Spirit. It was an interesting way to give meaning to the movement, and I appreciate the instructor infusing the ritual with something fresh. When the class ended, I felt accomplished, like I had really started the year the way I wanted (with a little flexibility for what my schedule would allow), and I was so, so ready for bed.


Playing with Pals


This Year So Far