Waiting in Waco

In case anyone ever claims that I'm not an amazing sibling, let it be known that after months of receiving countless begs and pleas, I finally agreed to make a trip to Magnolia Market at my sister's request.

For people who don't spend their days watching HGTV, Magnolia Market is a Disney Land of brown, white, and green home decor with a lot of long lines and a fancy lawn. For people who know who Chip and Joanna Gaines are, it is the most magnificent place on earth and worth every drop of sweat lost while waiting outside in the Texan sun just to enter the store.

I don't have a house, or the ability to purchase and improve upon anyone else's house, so I was coming in as an outsider who had to Google to remember what shiplap was called. In the end, I  can say that I am glad I was able to visit on a weekday, that the striped lawn beanbag chairs looked very comfortable, and that the shadeless bakery line moves pretty efficiently. If you happen to be in Waco, where I'm pretty sure there is nothing else to do, you might as well stop by.


Found in Ft. Worth


A City Sekrit